📌Traffic Feed Contract
The Smart Contract Traffic Feed Oracle is a decentralized solution designed to fetch real-time traffic data and provide it to smart contracts. Acting as a bridge between blockchain-based contracts and external data sources, this oracle enables smart contracts to seamlessly access and utilize live traffic information.
Technical Description
The Smart Contract Traffic Feed Oracle is implemented as a blockchain smart contract (e.g., on Ethereum). It listens for traffic data events, stores the data in a decentralized manner, and makes it accessible across the network.
How It Works
The contract accepts coordinates (longitude & latitude) as input. It sends a request to an external traffic API and retrieves the latest data. The contract updates its storage with real-time traffic metrics:
Free Flow Speed
Current Travel Time
Free Flow Travel Time
An event is triggered that other smart contracts can monitor.
Users interact with the contract by calling its functions and providing the necessary inputs. The stored traffic data is secure, transparent, and tamper-proof, ensuring a reliable data source for decentralized applications.
🔗 Usage
To utilize the Smart Contract Traffic Feed Oracle, follow these steps:
1️⃣ Deploy the Contract
Deploy the contract to the blockchain using the Oracle Contract address:
2️⃣ Request Traffic Data
Call the function:
This function accepts longitude and latitude as input.
It is a payable function, requiring a small amount of ETH for access.
Upon completion, it returns an ID for tracking the data request.
3️⃣ Retrieve Traffic Data
Call the function:
Pass the ID obtained from the previous step to fetch the latest traffic data.
📜 Contract Code
⚡ Contract Functions
🔹 constructor(address _c1)
Accepts the TrafficDataOracle contract address.
Sets up the reference to the external Oracle contract.
🔹 requestTrafficData
Accepts starting location and destination as string inputs.
Requires a payment in Ethereum for data access.
Starting location
Sender address
Request ID
🔹 retrieveData
Fetches traffic data based on a given request ID.
Travel time
Last updated