

The mintFreeNFT function is used to mint a free NFT (Non-Fungible Token) for a specified recipient with the provided metadata. It sends a request to a blockchain explorer API with specific parameters, including the recipient's address and the metadata required to create the NFT. The function then receives a response indicating the status of the minting process.


ParameterData TypeDescription



The recipient's address to whom the minted NFT will be transferred.



The metadata required to create the NFT, such as token name, description, and any other relevant information.


FieldData TypeDescription



A code indicating the status of the API request (1 for success, 0 for error).



The response data indicating the status of the NFT minting process. The specific structure may vary depending on the blockchain explorer API used.

Example Request and Response


Before making requests with Nest SDK, you must have it installed.

You can install Nest SDK using either npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install Nest SDK:

npm install @nest25/casper-lib
yarn add @nest25/casper-lib


Here is an example of how to make a mintFreeNFT request using the Nest SDK:


        code: 1,
        bid_tx_hash: '1ffc4f4ad1458d0355a837d8bfdcb475568dcda6b29ef30eaaee80dbf970e5bb'                                                     aaee80dbf970e5bb'

Use Cases

  • Rewarding Users: In a decentralized application (DApp) or online platform, the mintFreeNFT function can be used to reward users with free NFTs as part of promotional events, loyalty programs, or achievements.

  • Minting Collectibles: The function can be employed in collectible NFT projects, where users can mint their own unique NFTs with custom metadata representing collectible items, artwork, or game assets.

  • NFT Giveaways: For marketing or community engagement purposes, the function can be used to conduct NFT giveaways, allowing users to claim NFTs for free within a specified timeframe.

  • Airdrops: In token airdrop campaigns, the mintFreeNFT function can be utilized to distribute NFTs to recipients who meet certain criteria, such as holding a specific token or being part of a particular community.

  • Testing and Development: During the development and testing phase of an NFT-related project, the function can be used to create test NFTs with predefined metadata for simulation and debugging purposes.

Last updated