

The fetchAccountHash function takes a public key as input, converts it to an account hash using a third-party API, and returns the account hash as a string.



Example Request and Response


Before making requests with Nest SDK, you must have it installed.

You can install Nest SDK using either npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install Nest SDK:

npm install @nest25/casper-lib
yarn add @nest25/casper-lib


Here is an example of how to make a fetchAccountHash request using the Nest SDK:

// import Nest25 Casper library
const { Casper } = require('@nest25/casper-lib');
// create a new Casper instance
const casper = new Casper();

async function main() {
  const publicKey = '013a156a50fc6284ba436aedeaf96b55ac1a0c57ee9f8a46bf1c6518afe9b2f56c';
  // fetch account hash from public key
  let accountHash = await casper.fetchAccountHash(publicKey);
  // print account hash
  console.log({ accountHash });
// call main function


        accountHash: 'account-hash-6a43e8538b4b695b6670c30ecd1f9fea26400573954be066fda6314fc8e17f13'

Use Cases

  • Crypto Wallets: The function can be used by crypto wallets to retrieve the account hash of a user's wallet for transaction purposes.

  • Payment Gateways: The function can be used by payment gateways to retrieve the account hash of a user's wallet for payment processing.

Last updated