

The transferVolary function enables the transfer of Volary tokens from one wallet to another using the recipient's address, the amount of tokens to be transferred, and the sender's private key



Example Request and Response


Before making requests with Nest SDK, you must have it installed.

You can install Nest SDK using either npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install Nest SDK:

npm install @nest25/tokenomics-lib
yarn add @nest25/tokenomics-lib


Here is an example of how to make a transferVolary request using the Nest SDK:

// import Nest SDK library
const { volary } = require('@nest25/tokenomics-lib');
// private key of the account you want to use
const TEST_PRIVATE_KEY = 'your-private-key';
// address of the staking contract
const STAKING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x077e4F1496693B7c45128c436eF933ccaFe6d291';

// create a new instance of staking
const Volary = new volary();

async function main() {
  // transfer Volary to staking contract
  const result = await Volary.transferVolary(STAKING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, '1', TEST_PRIVATE_KEY);
  // print the result


        type: 2,
        chainId: 8888,
        nonce: 75,
        maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigNumber { _hex: '0x59682f00', _isBigNumber: true },
        maxFeePerGas: BigNumber { _hex: '0xd09dc300', _isBigNumber: true },
        gasPrice: null,
        gasLimit: BigNumber { _hex: '0x91d3', _isBigNumber: true },
        to: '0x51d93eFc7a629C6c8e61de078d71b6E5c7F84B80',
        value: BigNumber { _hex: '0x00', _isBigNumber: true },
        data: '0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000077e4f1496693b7c45128c436ef933ccafe6d2910000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de0b6b3a7640000',
        accessList: [],
        hash: '0x47c4b71c263293e04c0705c1e26f9bf0e4a10f784dea484dea30771e2c59aed9',
        v: 1,
        r: '0xa2912befef749788bb0e9f4905066ae2b1d9b0a9f1967ac0e10e52043076e4f7',
        s: '0x59bd5aee7c65313dc3a4980a977bdbc8c03081a6493cc46308cd04c758a1c387',
        from: '0x5712d28795106f0105C01e99A708d018C1d70E52',
        confirmations: 0,
        wait: [Function (anonymous)]

Use Cases

  • Token Holders: The function can be used by Volary token holders to send Volary tokens to other Ethereum addresses.

  • Cryptocurrency Exchanges: The function can be used by cryptocurrency exchanges that support Volary to facilitate the buying and selling of Volary tokens.

  • Decentralized Applications: The function can be used by developers building decentralized applications that require the transfer of Volary tokens between wallets on the Ethereum blockchain.

Last updated