

The estimateFee function is used to estimate the transaction fee for different types of ERC-20 token transfers.



Example Request and Response


Before making requests with NEST® SDK, you must have it installed.

You can install NEST® SDK using either npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install NEST® SDK:

npm install @nest25/evm-chains-lib
yarn add @nest25/evm-chains-lib


Here is an example of how to make a transfer request using the NEST® SDK:

const { Nft } = require('@nest25/evm-chains-lib');

const nft = new Nft('testnet');

async function main() {
    const result = await nft.estimateFee('eth', 'erc1155', 'transfer', 1);
    console.log("result", result);



 result {
        code: 1,
        result: 0.0047190052161507155,
        VLRYEstimate: 59.44537163202108,
        USDEstimate: 8.916805744803161

Use Cases

  • User Wallet Integration: The estimateFee function can be used to provide users with an estimated transaction fee before they initiate a token transfer. This gives users the ability to make an informed decision about their transaction.

  • DApp Transaction Confirmation: In a decentralized application (DApp), when a user initiates a token transfer, the DApp can call this function to display the estimated fee to the user before proceeding with the transaction. This enhances user experience and ensures transparency.

  • Transaction Cost Comparison: For platforms or services that support multiple blockchain networks, this function can be used to compare transaction costs across different blockchains. This helps users choose the most cost-effective blockchain for their token transfers.

Last updated