

The estimateMint function is an asynchronous function that provides an estimate of the minting amount. It returns an object containing the code and the result, or an error object if an error occurs during execution.


This function does not take any parameter.


Example Request and Response


Before making requests with NEST® SDK, you must have it installed.

You can install NEST® SDK using either npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install NEST® SDK:

npm install @nest25/solana-lib
yarn add @nest25/solana-lib


Here is an example of how to make a estimateMint request using the NEST® SDK:

const {Solana} = require("@nest25/solana-lib")

const Sol = new Solana();

async function main () {
    const receipt = await Sol.estimateMint();



 { code: 1, result: '0.00001' }

Use Cases

  • Obtaining an estimate of the minting amount: By invoking this function, you can fetch an estimated value for the minting amount.

  • Checking execution status: The returned code value can be used to determine the success or failure status of the function call.

  • Retrieving the estimated amount: If the estimation is successful, the resulting estimated minting amount will be provided for further reference.

  • Handling errors: In case of any error during the execution of the function, the returned object will contain the error message.

Last updated