

The transfer function is an asynchronous function that facilitates the transfer of a specified amount of cryptocurrency from one account to another on the NEAR blockchain.



Example Request and Response


Before making requests with Nest SDK, you must have it installed.

You can install Nest SDK using either npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install Nest SDK:

npm install @nest25/wallet-lib
yarn add @nest25/wallet-lib


Here is an example of how to make a transfer request using the Nest SDK:

// import Nest SDK
import { Wallet } from 'nest25/wallet-lib';

// Create a new instance of the Wallet class
const wallet = new Wallet();

const testMnemonic = 'divorce poverty spend fire symbol market good skull rebel surge giggle album';
// receiver address
const receiver = '0xd040591F093eacFAB8734350aac24703a0081f29';

const main = async () => {
  // transfer 10000 yactoNEAR from the test mnemonic to the receiver address
  const response = await wallet.transfer('btc',testMnemonic,receiver,'10000');
  // print the response



        code: 1,
        result: '5oWsXKXkTYxWUeBtyhaC6xxx7ZNRXW5qq1PJpbas1y4zQqgD9mxPGBF2zCeUkVHornFDo63hriUdVGuPp49u5Tvy'

Use Cases

  • Transfer Bitcoin: The transfer function can be used to transfer a specific amount of Bitcoin from one address to another. It requires the private key of the sender's address, the amount to be transferred, the recipient's address, the desired environment (e.g., testnet or mainnet), the sender's address, and the ECC object for cryptographic operations.

  • Error Handling: The function handles potential errors during the transfer process. If any step fails, an error object with a code and description is returned, indicating the cause of the failure.

Last updated