

The getKeys function generates a private key and a corresponding public address using a given mnemonic phrase. The function returns the private key and public address as a result object.



Example Request and Response


Before making requests with Nest SDK, you must have it installed.

You can install Nest SDK using either npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install Nest SDK:

npm install @nest25/wallet-lib
yarn add @nest25/wallet-lib


Here is an example of how to make a getKeys request using the Nest SDK:

// import Nest SDK
import { Wallet } from 'nest25/wallet-lib';

// Create a new instance of the Wallet class
const wallet = new Wallet();
// test mnemonic for BTC mainnet (use the createWallet function to get one)
const testMnemonic = 'divorce poverty spend fire symbol market good skull rebel surge giggle album';

const main = async () => {
  // get the keys for the sol network
  const response = await wallet.getKeys('sol', testMnemonic);
  // log the response



        code: 1,
        result: {
          privateKey: '61hqSActTebg2cgmRyoeBdSHxq348HQhzs4EqGA9SRTCCChnNB4fKFoFLaLrTfLNxEyTJzVfbgrz7nqD6PN6X8ag',
          address: 'Byz7G9nWucTkErWFR5QzLSAre9TdBak3nB6GUbRjgNzg'

Use Cases

  • Crypto Wallet: Crypto wallets can use this function to generate private keys and corresponding public addresses for their users.

  • Testing: Blockchain developers can use this function to generate private keys and addresses for testing and development purposes.

Last updated