

The chainBalances function is an asynchronous function used to retrieve the balances of various cryptocurrencies on different blockchain networks based on a provided mnemonic phrase.



Example Request and Response


Before making requests with Nest SDK, you must have it installed.

You can install Nest SDK using either npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install Nest SDK:

npm install @nest25/wallet-lib
yarn add @nest25/wallet-lib


Here is an example of how to make a getBalanceByMnemonicrequest using the Nest SDK:

const { Wallet } = require('@nest25/wallet-lib');

const wallet = new Wallet('');

async function main() {
    const response = await wallet.chainBalances("choice kidney aerobic derive chat recall ranch siege enemy certain hand dry");
    console.log( "response --> ",JSON.stringify(response));



   response -->  {"code":1,"balances":{"AVA":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"BNB":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"ETH":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"KLAY":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"MATIC":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"VLRY":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"AUR":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"GLMR":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"GNO":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"OP":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"ARB":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"CELO":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"},"SOL":{"balance":0,"balanceInUSD":"0"}}}

Use Cases

  • Retrieving chain balances: By invoking this function with a mnemonic and environment, you can retrieve the balances of various cryptocurrencies on different blockchain networks.

  • Error handling: The function performs various checks and validations throughout the process, returning an error object with an appropriate error message if any issues arise.

  • Balances conversion: The function converts the raw balance values received from the external API to the corresponding currency balance and balance in USD for easier interpretation.

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